OBD Snoop ID88

Manufacturer: Silca
OBD Snoop ID88
Picture of Silca

Silca OBD Snoop ID88

Available to order.

A world-first cloning solution for best-selling models like the Golf, Polo, Tiguan, Audi* A3, Skoda* Octavia and the Seat* Ibiza. The new OBD Snoop ID88 from Advanced Diagnostics, combined with the RW5 or Smart Aerial+ and the MYKEYS Pro app, clones bladed keys for a range of Volkswagen* Group MQB models. It works with GTI Ultra chips.

  • Reliable, familiar key duplication. Duplicate the most popular Volkswagen*, Audi*, Seat* and Skoda* models in the familiar way you clone other vehicle keys.
  • ‘Plug and Play’. The OBD Snoop automatically detects the vehicle system to read; there is no need to enter the make, model or year.
  • Cable-free - Battery-free. The OBD Snoop connects directly with the vehicle's OBD port and is powered by the vehicle. No battery is needed. Data is then communicated to the MYKEYS Pro app remotely via Bluetooth.
  • Secure process. The cloning process is safe and without risk, no intervention on the vehicle is necessary. The MYKEYS Pro app advises if the model is not compatible with cloning immediately the OBD Snoop is connected to the vehicle.
  • It expands the capabilities of the RW5 and Smart Aerial+. Silca and Advanced Diagnostics are committed to evolving the unique potential of the cloud cloning technology to deliver new features and functions to the RW5 and Smart Aerial+.
  • Guided procedures. The RW5 display, or the MYKEYS Pro app in the case of Smart Aerial+, guides you step-by-step through the cloning procedure to make the whole process trouble-free.
  • Reach new customers. The OBD Snoop broadens the range of cloneable keys, broadening the selling opportunity. Cloning a standard key without the remote also means a more affordable key for your customer.
  • Quality assured. Designed and developed in Europe by the leader in cloning technology, all Silca and Advanced Diagnostics devices are CE-certified. The cloning data is processed using proprietary servers.

OBD Snoop ID88
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