InstaCode vs InstaCode Live: which is best for your business?

31 January 2022

InstaCode Subscription vs InstaCode Live: how to choose the best solution for your business?

InstaCode Subscription or InstaCode Live? What are the differences? Which one should I get? If those are the questions that keep you awake or you simply want to know more about this fantastic key data software, keep reading this blog post as we are going to analyse what features and benefits they share, what sets them apart and help you decide which is the best solution for you and your business. 

Firstly, InstaCode 1-year Subscription and InstaCode Live are two “variants” of the same data software for key cutting machines with one main difference: InstaCode Subscription consists of a subscription (the clue is in the name) to a software that you install onto a pc or laptop and you can then run offline. InstaCode Live is a licence that gives you access to an online service from a device of your choice (the browser of your pc, the smartphone app you name it etc.).

Before talking about their differences though, let's take a look at what features and benefits they have in common.

Main common features:

  • They include cross-referencing for 132+ key blank manufacturers, over 70,000 references, 8000+ key code series and 3 billion+ (yes billions!) key codes.
  • They include Images of key blanks and keyways that display space & depth information, flat widths, angles, measurements, card numbers and other relevant key cutting information on vehicle and household keys.
  • They both offer a very intuitive interface.
  • Printouts of whole code series (for use in your van).
  • You can search for bittings across a range of code series.
  • They support the widest range of key machines.
  • They both offer instructional guides for transponders and info on opening vehicles.

Single vs Multi:

The first big difference between the two variants is the platforms and devices that they work on. You can run InstaCode Subscription only on a Windows pc or laptop thus being a good option if you have a shop or don't plan to use it on the go that often. You also won't need to chase your wifi signal around the shop or worry about the internet going down right when you need to access your software as it runs offline once you have activated it.

InstaCode Live gives you much more flexibility because you can run it on and access the online service from multiple platforms (Windows, IOS, Android) and devices (pc, laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.). This means, for example, that you can download the InstaCode app to your phone and easily access codes even from a van or the side of the road. A very welcome addition especially if you are a mobile or an auto locksmith.

The only downside is that it requires an internet connection at all times so you may lose access to the service if you are in an area with a poor internet connection.

Pricing Structure:

Here things start to get really interesting as the pricing structure is one of the most important differences between InstaCode and InstaCode Live.

Whereas the only option available for Instacode Subscription is a one-off yearly payment, InstaCode Live comes in various plans as you can see from the table below:

This might be a very attractive feature if, for example, you only focus on domestic services or if you are an auto locksmith who only needs automotive codes and information. You can choose a plan tailored to your needs, so you don't subscribe to (and waste money on) features that aren't relevant to your business and you will never use.

To sum things up here is a table providing a brief comparison of the two options:


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